be who you are & illustrate what you believe

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's Been Forever and New Stuff!

Ok, so this is just one of the designs that you will see in you local Easton Trader Joe's! I am currently one of their sign artist. I consider myself lucky that I get to do what I love everyday. This is a shelf template for our Holiday Guide 2011. You will see this long shelf tag randomly placed around the store under products that we are featuring!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Newest Piece and Website Live

So, it's been a while since I posted anything, and I apologize for that. The piece you see above is my newest piece of work. It is a vector which has been painted over in Adobe Photoshop. I have always loved peacocks. Their colors and elegance is very inspirational to me. I hope you all like it. I do...although I might go back into it and bump up the chroma a bit. It was originally created to be a design for a bed set, so there are pillows that I designed and a sheet hem design. Maybe I will upload those later. I am currently getting ready to graduate from CCAD on Saturday so I am pretty busy until then. Thanks for checking in!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Cover

This is my newest creation. It is a redone book cover for the all American classic, The Great Gatsby. I fell in love with the fade-away girl the first time I ever saw one and I have been waiting for my chance to use her. she is. I chose to do the decorative flowers down the side because of the hidden meaning they hold. They are dahlias which represent betrayal, which plays a very large role in the book. The type was downloaded from, so thank you to them for giving us such awesome fonts. I hope you all like it. I'm not so sure how I feel about the line of silhouettes in the background but we will see.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Second Postcard

Alright, so this isn't done but I thought I would put it up anyways. It's my second postcard for my series of four seasons. I'm not so sure about the background so far. I might also add some acorns and cranberry branches to it for a decorative feel. But other than that I like it.


Page 4 of The Long Catnap

I'm finally making some progress on my children's book! What you are looking at above is the layout for page number four in my book. Brigitte, my main character is chasing butterflies from flower to flower. It's not completely done yet, there is still some touch up issues on the flowers and I might even add some texture to the butterflies. But as of right now, I am a pretty happy camper with this piece. I'm really loving the type that I found online called Girls are Weird, which can be found at More of these will be coming shortly. 


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recent Activity

I have been super busy lately. There is only 5 more weeks of school and I graduate, so, I am hunkering down in my apartment and getting stuff done. My friends mother just hired me to freelance a logo for her preschool. It's very cute. I will post that later this week, I am in the beginning sketches right now. I do, however, have some really nice work coming along in my portfolio. The piece that you see above is just one in a series of four postcards that I am working on in my professional practice class. I also found it quite fitting since we are now experiencing spring, although it doesn't really feel like it does it? More work will be coming soon.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Book Illustration

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. School work has become my number one priority. What you see above is my very first finished, vignetted, illustration for my children's book The Long Catnap. Which, just to recap, is all about Brigitte who you see above and her adventures in her dreams on a rainy day. I wanted to keep it fun and playful and have it also reflect my girly personality. There should be a second illustration coming very soon. I will try to keep posting.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Projects

Right now my life has increased in things to do. I just finished a book dummy for the Long Catnap, which is coming along swimmingly. Soon I will be jumping into the final illustrations. I am also starting to work on an ice cream label. There is also a whole new group of Treasure Reef illustrations on my plate as well, and only two months left of college. I am hoping to document some of these endevers in the next week or so. Just and update.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Project

The project that you see above is my new book that I am calling, The Long Catnap. It is about a cat named Brigitte and her adventures in her dreams, where she meets a friend named Carl. It's a very cute book. What you see above are the beginning stages. My story board includes the color scheme, story line, and page layout. I hope you like it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Fact Illustration

I just recently finished the fact illustration that I had talked about in an earlier post. I am decently happy with it. The only thing that is flawed is the colored pencil on it but it's nothing that a little digital paint can't fix. Just incase you didn't read the other post the fact that is being illustrated is that zebra's can't see the color orange, which is why he is running over the orange cones! Funny, huh?

Friday, February 11, 2011

More Inspiration

So today I got to see an inside look at the Columbus Museum of Art's storage facility. It was amazing to stand inches away from a Monet and get to see ever little brush stroke that he made. There is so much soul in his pieces. I love it. I also got to see some original Disney character cels from Cinderella and Fox and the Hound. Talk about inspiration. Seeing the art pushes me to try even harder on making my work fantastic. If anyone gets the chance to go behind scenes in ANY museum they should take the chance...they will not be disappointed.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Treasure Reef...aka my other children's book

The piece you see above is a digital painting piece for a children's/young adult book about some rebelious kids in the 18th century who set off on a journey to find the famous treasure reef. I have about 60 pages written as of now and am still going. The illustration style that I chose is colorful and cartoon like. I think it appeals to both sets of audiences. I am planning on going back in and tightening things up once I have got some extra time on my hands...spring break perhaps?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ok, so like I said above, I found these backgrounds from Disney's Pocahontas. This is the one that really inspired me the most. The colors are breath taking! Look at that pink. Makes me sick. Anyways just thought I would share. 


Old works from last semester

Alright! I am finally able to upload pictures onto this thing. Last semester here at CCAD I was working on an environmental awareness children's book, dealing with the current National Park pollution problem. The scene above is the opening scene. I love the calm, sereneness of this piece. I have since taken a hiatus from this book, but I am hoping to jump back in this semester. Work load willing. I was hunting for inspiration online and I came across an amazing blog for animation backgrounds, which held a number of Disney backgrounds from Pocahontas. These really inspired the setup and color scheme for this piece. I originally hand painted on 12 x16 canvas with oils and then brought that into photoshop and touched it up with some digital paint.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Alright lets get this thing started! I am currently having some issues uploading photos to this page, but hopefully I will be able to by the end of the week. I am currently working on some illustrations. One for a children's book which I am writing and illustrating called the long cat nap and the other is a spot illustration depicting a strange factoid. Which is the fact that zebra's cannot see the color orange. Who knew? I am hoping to be able to upload pictures of them soon. I am super excited about both of them! Until then I will try to stay updated.
