be who you are & illustrate what you believe

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Second Postcard

Alright, so this isn't done but I thought I would put it up anyways. It's my second postcard for my series of four seasons. I'm not so sure about the background so far. I might also add some acorns and cranberry branches to it for a decorative feel. But other than that I like it.


Page 4 of The Long Catnap

I'm finally making some progress on my children's book! What you are looking at above is the layout for page number four in my book. Brigitte, my main character is chasing butterflies from flower to flower. It's not completely done yet, there is still some touch up issues on the flowers and I might even add some texture to the butterflies. But as of right now, I am a pretty happy camper with this piece. I'm really loving the type that I found online called Girls are Weird, which can be found at More of these will be coming shortly. 


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Recent Activity

I have been super busy lately. There is only 5 more weeks of school and I graduate, so, I am hunkering down in my apartment and getting stuff done. My friends mother just hired me to freelance a logo for her preschool. It's very cute. I will post that later this week, I am in the beginning sketches right now. I do, however, have some really nice work coming along in my portfolio. The piece that you see above is just one in a series of four postcards that I am working on in my professional practice class. I also found it quite fitting since we are now experiencing spring, although it doesn't really feel like it does it? More work will be coming soon.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Book Illustration

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. School work has become my number one priority. What you see above is my very first finished, vignetted, illustration for my children's book The Long Catnap. Which, just to recap, is all about Brigitte who you see above and her adventures in her dreams on a rainy day. I wanted to keep it fun and playful and have it also reflect my girly personality. There should be a second illustration coming very soon. I will try to keep posting.
